
If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.
Henry Ford

Land Register

The Austrian Land Register

The Austrian land register is a public register run by the Austrian district courts in which properties (land) and the rights in rem existing in them are entered.

The following rights can be entered in the land register:

  • the right of ownership
  • the right of condominium ownership
  • the right of lien,
  • servitudes and easements or
  • real charges
  • building rights.
  • Notes and notices on certain legally significant facts

Main Register & Auxiliary Register

In Austria, the land register consists of the so-called ‘main register’ (the actual land register), which contains the current entries in the land register. It also consists of the register of cancelled entries (known as the ‘cancellation register’), into which completely or partially cancelled entries and entries with no purpose can be transferred from the main register, and finally the collection of deeds. The collection of deeds is the collection of deeds that form the legal basis for the entries in the land register, such as the purchase contract when acquiring the property.

In addition to the main register, there are also auxiliary registers, namely

  • the property register (this contains the property numbers (GST no.) for each cadastral district (KG)),
  • the address directory (this contains the respective property addresses for each local municipality) and
  • the register of persons or names (this contains the names and addresses of the owners entered in the land register for each federal province).
  • All of these directories list the  deposit number (EZ) under which the property or owner in question is entered in the land register.



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lawvision information systems GmbH

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