Mag. Dr. Bernd M. Schauer, CMC
Management - Eigentümer & Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter
During his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law at the University of Vienna, Dr Bernd M. Schauer dealt intensively with issues of Internet law and e-commerce.
In his dissertation ‘The Internet in the European Union - New legal challenges in the age of the information society’, he examined in detail - taking into account US developments - the European and national legal framework conditions that entrepreneurs have to deal with on the Internet in the age of e-commerce.
In addition to his legal training, Dr Schauer also received extensive IT training, which he successfully completed with various certifications in the areas of Internet technologies, software development and programming.
fter completing his studies, he worked from 1999 as a project manager for online databases at RDB Rechtsdatenbank GmbH, where he was involved in the redesign and conception of the company's new market presence (‘RDB Content Portal’) and was responsible for the areas of information indexing - content, search logic and content presentation.
For more than 10 years, he has been intensively involved in the technical, legal and economic development of the Internet and e-commerce. In addition to his legal and academic work, he focuses on the development of internet and intranet solutions for the legal and corporate sectors. (CMS Content Management Systems, CRM Customer Relationship Management, Internet Marketing, Open Source Solutions, Social Media, etc.). He is also heavily involved in the legal and technical aspects of e-government applications in Europe.
As an expert in web business, internet technologies and developments in the WWW, Dr Schauer advises numerous companies and organisations.
In August 2004, Dr Bernd M. Schauer founded the company 'lawvision information systems'. In 2007 the company was transformed into lawvision information systems GmbH.
Since 1 October 2020, lawvision information systems GmbH has acted as an external supervisory authority in accordance with Article 41 of the GDPR. The company has been accredited by the Austrian Data Protection Authority for the CoC of the Professional Association of Employers of Private Educational Institutions. (BABE)
Further Activities
- Since 2017: Head of the Working Group on Data with a focus on Open Data, Open Government Data, and Geoinformation at the Austrian Economic Chamber / FV UBIT
- Since 2013: Head of the Working Group on Geodata at the Austrian Economic Chamber / FV UBIT
- 2004-2014: Founder & Managing Partner of lexunited - online information system GmbH, since 2014 Executive Consultant
- 1999-2007: Research Associate at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European Law
- Since May 2018: Data Protection Officer at the Ludwig Boltzmann Society
- Since May 2018: Data Protection Coordinator at the Education Department of the Austrian Conference of Religious Orders
- Since February 2019: Board Member of FINNCHAM - Finland Austria Chamber of Commerce
- Constantinus Award Winner 2006
(3rd Place - Category: Communication and Networks) - Constantinus Nomination 2006
(Category: Young Entrepreneurs) - Austrian State Prize for Consulting 2006
(Participation) - CMC - Certified Management Consultant
- „Die Auswirkungen der Social Webs auf die Zukunft der Suchmaschinen" in: "Semantisches Web und Soziales Web im Recht", Tagungsband des 12. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2009
- „Social Communities" in: Tagungsband des 11. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2008, Boorberg Verlag, Stuttgart, 2008
- „Web 2.0 - neue Herausforderungen für Juristen", in: 10 Jahre IRIS: Bilanz und Ausblick - Tagungsband des 10. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2007, Hrsg. Schweighofer/Geist/Heindl, Boorberg Verlag, Stuttgart, 2007
- „Google - Rechtsprobleme & Geschäftsmodelle", in: Schweighofer/Liebwald/Drachsler/Geist (Hrsg), e-Staat und e-Wirtschaft, Tagungsband des 9. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions IRIS 2006, Boorberg Verlag, Stuttgart, 2006
- „Online- & Mobile-Marketing", in: Schweighofer/Liebwald/Augeneder/Menzel (Hrsg), Effizienz von e-Lösungen in Staat und Gesellschaft - Aktuelle Fragen der Rechtsinformatik, Tagungsband des 8. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions IRIS 2005, Boorberg Verlag, Stuttgart, 2005
- „Rechtsprobleme bei Google & Co", in: Schweighofer/Liebwald/Kreuzbauer/Menzel (Hrsg): Informationstechnik in der juristischen Realität, Aktuelle Fragen der Rechtsinformatik 2004, Schriftenreihe Rechtsinformatik Band 9, Verlag Österreich, Wien
- „Werbung im Internet", in: Schweighofer/Menzel/Kreuzbauer/Liebwald (Hrsg), „Zwischen Rechtstheorie und e-Government", Schriftenreihe Rechtsinformatik, Verlag Österreich 2003
- „Herausforderungen an Informationsanbieter im Zeitalter des e-commerce", in: Schweighofer/Menzel/Kreuzbauer (Hrsg), „IT in Recht und Staat", Schriftenreihe Rechtsinformatik, Verlag Österreich 2002
- „Trends im e-commerce" in: Schweighofer/Menzel/Kreuzbauer (Hrsg), „Auf dem Weg zur ePerson", Schriftenreihe Rechtsinformatik, Verlag Österreich 2001
- „e-commerce": Artikel in Zeitschrift „Homepages", Wien 2000
- Autor: „e-commerce in der Europäischen Union", Schriftenreihe des Ludwig Boltzmann-Institutes für Europarecht, Band 3, Verlag Manz, Wien 1999
Lecturing Activities
Austrian Conference of Religious Orders - Austrian School Day
2017: Innovations in Data Protection
Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) - Working Group on Data
2017: GDPR & Data Protection Adaptation Act 2018: Innovations in Data Protection
2018: GDPR & e-Health
2019: GDPR - Data Protection Impact Assessment -
MMM Club Austria - Specialist Conference
2016: Web-Based Tools for Market Observation
Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) - Working Group on Geodata
2013–2017: Presentations in the Field of Geodata & Geoinformation
Stockholm University: Teaching Lecturer
2013: Global Legal Research and Information Management - GRIM Winter School: "Social Media as Influence"
Speaker at the Annual IRIS - International Legal Informatics Symposium in Salzburg
2010: Developments & Trends in Web 2.0
2009: The Impact of Social Webs on the Future of Search Engines
2008: Social Networks - Facebook, Xing & Co.
2007: Web 2.0 - New Tasks for Lawyers
2006: Google - Business Model & Legal Issues
2005: Legal Challenges in Online & Mobile Marketing
2004: Search Engines – Importance and Future in E-Commerce
2003: Advertising Formats on the Internet
2002: E-Commerce and Databases
2001: Product Presentation: RDB-Immobau
2000: Legal Databases - Project "RDB New"
2000: Lecture "E-Commerce in the European Union – Importance for SMEs" at the "7th Scientific Summer Academy" in Kapfenberg
Since 2000: -
Lectures and participation in panel discussions (Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria) as part of EU information events.
Panel Discussions - Lawyers' Association; Moderation of various roundtables on the topic of "E-Commerce."
Lectures in the Field of Legal Informatics and E-Government Applications in Austria:
Land Register Reform / Federal Ministry of Justice / WIFI Vienna
Federal Databases -
Lectures on Social Media
Lectures for the Book Presentation "E-Commerce in the European Union":
Vienna 1999
Dornbirn 2000
- Constantinus 2006 - 3. Place (Category Communications & Networks)
- Constantinus 2006 - Nomination (Category Young Entrepreneur 2006)
- Staatspreis Consulting 2006 - (Nomination)
- GEWINN - Jungunternehmerwettbewerb 2006 - Top 100